Tax Return

Tax Refunds: Just the Facts | Factors Affecting Refund Timing

As tax-filing season gets underway, taxpayers may be anticipating receiving their refund by a certain date, especially if they plan on making major purchases or paying bills. While some tax returns are processed quickly, others may require additional review. As such, those refunds may take longer.

Just as each tax return is unique and individual, so is each taxpayer’s refund. Here is what taxpayers should keep in mind as they are waiting for their refund – especially if they hear about or see that other taxpayers on social media have already received theirs.

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Tips for Taxpayers Who Make Money From a Hobby

Many people enjoy hobbies that are also a source of income. From soap making to pottery and jewelry making to calligraphy, these activities can be sources of both fun and finances. Taxpayers who make money from a hobby must report that income on their tax return.

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Figuring out Your Correct Tax Filing Status | 5 Options

Your filing status determines which tax forms you need to file, the amount of your standard deduction, eligibility for certain tax credits, and how much tax you owe. In some cases, it may even impact whether you need to file a federal income tax return.

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2020 Tax Withholding: the new Form W-4

Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate has been redesigned for 2020. Previously, income tax withholding was based on an employee’s marital status and withholding allowances or tied to the value of the personal exemption. With the revised Form W-4, however, income tax withholding is generally based on the worker’s expected filing status and standard deduction for the year. Furthermore, workers can also choose to have itemized deductions, the Child Tax Credit and other tax benefits reflected in their withholding for the year.

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Reminder: Use Correct Forms to Pay Employment Taxes

Small business owners are reminded to review the rules for filing two commonly-used employment tax returns: Form 944, Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return and Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return.

A small business files one or the other; these two forms are not interchangeable and the employer should never flip-flop between the two forms on their own. They should always file in accordance with their designated filing requirements. Let’s take a look at the differences between these forms.

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