Month: June 2022

Tips to Help You Get Started Saving for Retirement

It’s never too late to start saving for retirement, but the sooner you begin, the more time your money has to grow. That’s because gains each year build on the prior year’s gains thanks to the power of compound interest – and it’s the best way to accumulate wealth. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when saving for retirement:

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Tax Tips Image: Neatly stacked pennies in an ascending line. Russo CPA Tax Tips 2023

HSA Limits Increase Significantly for 2023

Contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA) are used to pay the account owner’s current or future medical expenses, their spouse, and any qualified dependent and are adjusted annually for inflation. For 2023, the annual inflation-adjusted contribution limit for a Health Savings Account (HSA) increases to $3,850 for individuals with self-only coverage (up $200 from 2022) and $7,750 for family coverage (up $450 from 2022).

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A worker employee name tag badge lanyard

Choosing a Payroll Service Provider

When choosing a payroll service provider to handle payroll and payroll tax, employers need to make sure they choose a trusted payroll service that can help them avoid missed deposits for employment taxes and other unpaid bills. Typically, these clients remain legally responsible for paying the taxes due, even if the employer sent funds to the payroll service provider for required deposits or payments.

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Casually-dressed young professional sits at desk with calm and happy face

Settling Tax Debt With an IRS Offer in Compromise

An offer in compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service that settles a taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. That’s the good news. The bad news is that not everyone can use this option to settle tax debt; the IRS rejected nearly 60 percent of taxpayer-requested offers in compromise. If you owe money to the IRS and wonder if an IRS offer in compromise is the answer, here’s what you need to know.

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Two young male lifeguards watch ocean line while swimmers enjoy water on a sunny hot day

Tax Tips for Students with a Summer Job

With teen employment expected to be plentiful this summer, with better pay and more opportunities, chances are good that your high school or college student will have a job this summer. Here’s what they should know about summer jobs and taxes:

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A hand checking off boxes.

Preparing for Hurricanes and Other Natural Disasters

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1, and now is a good time for individuals, organizations, and businesses to make or update their emergency plans. Here are five steps taxpayers can take to safeguard their tax records before disaster strikes:

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Five Things to know before Starting a Business

Starting a new business is an exciting, but busy time with so much to be done and so little time to do it in. Also, if you expect to have employees, there are a variety of federal and state forms and applications that will need to be completed to get your business up and running. That’s where a tax professional can help.

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